Primary Care Nurses and Paramedics work alongside the duty doctor of the day as part of the Duty Team. Patients requesting emergency appointments are assessed by a member of the Duty Team and offered either telephone advice or an appropriate appointment. Many emergency appointments are with one of the Primary Care Nurses who are trained to deal with minor illnesses and can obtain appropriate prescriptions for their patients. Four of our Primary Care Nurses are Nurse Prescribers and can generate and sign their own prescriptions. Julie Allsop, Michelle Clem and Nicola Rajapakse are our practice nurses and are available for consultation by appointment Monday to Friday. They can help with dressings, injections, blood tests, blood pressure checks, urine testing and cervical smears. In addition they also run several clinics including child immunisations. Our chronic disease management nurses are Lynne Jones, Tim Farmer, Michelle Clem, Jennifer Mitchell Grace Baaba and Nicola Rajapakse. Lynne and Grace run the diabetic clinics. Tim and Nicola look after our hypertensive patients. The asthma/COPD clinics are run by Jennifer, Michelle and Tim. Julie offers family planning appointments and is available to discuss issues relating to family planning and sexual health. |